140 East Church Street Sellersville, PA 18960 | 215-257-5075

Public Assistance Agencies

Sellersville Borough Below is a list of links to some local public service agencies that provide assistance to people in need:

Pennridge FISH is a Christian non-profit IRS 501 [c] 3 corporation and is registered with the Pennsylvania Department of State as non-profit with permission to solicit tax-exempt contributions.

FISH is a 100% volunteer service provider to the needy in the Pennridge School District and their professional services are provided pro bono.

FISH maintains a food pantry and clothing outlet. Food and clothing are donated by local churches, businesses, social organizations and individuals. FISH receives food from the USDA Emergency Food Assistance Program [TEFAP] and Pennsylvania State Food Purchase Program [SFPP].

In addition FISH supplements these donations with purchased food from Philabundance and local food suppliers and markets.

The clothing outlet is supplied with donated clothing from the community.

Bucks County Health Improvement Partnership provides free/low cost health services, including a children’s dental program to families that meet the program’s income eligibility crtiteria. A quick overview can be found HERE.

Comcast Cable recently launched Internet Essentials, a program which provides families with children who are eligilbe to receive free lunches under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) with low-cost internet service, affordable computers and digital literacy taining.

To learn more, please visit Internet Essentials or for the spanish language website, visit internetBasico.

Sellersville Borough
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